Frequently Asked Questions


What are the appointment fees?

As of April 2023, the fee structure is:


  • Chiropractic Initial Consultation: $130
  • Chiropractic Regular Visits: $72
  • Chiropractic Re-Evaluation: $85
  • Heartspeak Session 20mins: $80
  • Heartspeak Session 30mins: $115

How long will it take to see results?

Not everyone responds to treatment, however most will. For those that will, there are three components to this answer in my experience.

Firstly we will both experience very immediate responses in your nervous system, from within seconds to at most 3 or 4 visits. Secondly, the body cells, tissue and systems have turnover rates that are a factor in injury recovery.

This means that it takes time, weeks to months for the body to create healthy cells in areas that have been affected by nervous system dysfunction.

Thirdly, your healing potential is different to another persons, due to diet, prior state of health, duration of dysfunction, mindset, genetic expression etc. We will do the work, allow the body the best chance to respond and watch what happens.

Keep in mind that while health and self healing are the ideal natural state, most people once injured spend the the rest of their days with injuries within their nervous system; being grateful for what you have and can regain through our sessions is wise and will promote even greater healing.

How many sessions will I need?

While everybody is different, there are some rules that apply nearly all of the time. The biggest factor is how deep the nervous system and body are injured. This especially applies if we are working with chronic injuries such as a old stroke, long term low back dysfunction or well entrenched patterns of anxiety. There will be an initial phase of care to “switch on”/strengthen all the main nervous system pathways that are injured, the more there are, the longer this phase of care. The next phase of care involves strengthening the system to adapt to the persons life environment, if their environment is very challenging because of the physical, emotional and chemical stresses then this phase takes longer.

In order to properly address an issue it is common to have several visits over a few weeks, then spacing visits out over the next few months. Many people have many layers involved and can benefit greatly to keep regular appointments to keep gaining ground before shifting into the maintenance phase, which often is a check and “tune up” every 4-8 weeks.

Is there anything I can do at home?

Initially no, however their is plenty to avoid. Avoid overusing area that are part of the injury. If this is part of the body it will entail good posture, correct use and form, limit overuse. If it is due to stress, avoid triggering or focusing on it, trusting that it is being dealt with at this time.

In time there will be exercise to strengthen areas that have become weakened, a morning and an evening routine.

Will this treatment interfere with my medication?

While everybody is different, there are some rules that apply nearly all of the time. The biggest factor is how deep the nervous system and body are injured. This especially applies if we are working with chronic injuries such as a old stroke, long term low back dysfunction or well entrenched patterns of anxiety. There will be an initial phase of care to “switch on”/strengthen all the main nervous system pathways that are injured, the more there are, the longer this phase of care. The next phase of care involves strengthening the system to adapt to the persons life environment, if their environment is very challenging because of the physical, emotional and chemical stresses then this phase takes longer.

Why does the body 'switch off'?

The nervous system will switch off an area or a function to protect the overall system. Just like a hair dryer will switch off when it becomes too hot so too the body if it has exceeded its capacity. Another way of thinking about it is the analogy of the body being a house, each room of the house has a separate power circuit, so too the body. If the toaster in the kitchen is drawing too many amps then the circuit breaker will shut the whole kitchen down to protect the house from damage, so too the body.


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